Cow urine= gold?

Milk isn't the best-selling product from a cow anymore - it's urine.
Dairy farmers have a new source of revenue now, one which is bringing in more money than selling dairy products do.
Cow is basis of settling nomadic human civilization & a great animal to do research,everytime u vl find new thing in her. Sm yr ago gold particles vr found in gir cows urine.Wt science tends 2 prove today is written in shastras millenia's ago?Bt rotten cerebrums can't understand
— Kashmiri saraswat Brahmin (@Shamshanhisach) July 24, 2018
In India, where myths propel products, cow urine is said to even cure cancer. However, we asked several oncologists and they dispelled this belief!
However, some people still believe in its healing properties, and also
use it for a lot of medicinal purposes as well as for religious
In 2015, Rajasthan medical and health minister, Rajendra Rathore at the inauguration of a cow urine refinery had stated how,
"There is a pressing need that we explore the scientific concepts
behind traditional medical practices and undertake research for
treatment of various diseases by combining them with the cow products."